
Speculative Design of Neural Interfaces


CerebralWire is a speculative technology designed to interact with the brain’s mesolimbic pathway, AKA the “Pleasure and Reward System”, to address personal issues of low attention span, over-consumption of media and technology, low interpersonal connection, rising addiction rates, and more, enacting change on a societal level. Targeting the neurochemical mechanisms that control reward and motivation, this technology aims to help build healthier habits and increase overall well-being. It opens avenues for considering broad societal challenges, like fighting digital addiction and improving mental health support systems.

My Role

Concept Developer, Researcher, Designer


January - March 2024

Multi-Piece Brain Implant System:

A Cognitive Approach to Societal Issues of Attention, Consumption, Connection, Addiction, and More

To understand the placement of the brain implant system, we need to highlight some of the key areas along the mesolimbic system. The implant system interacts with the ventral tegmental area (VTA), which produces the neurotransmitter dopamine and sends it to the amygdala (emotional behaviors), the nucleus accumbens (motor control), the prefrontal cortex (planning, attention, and focus), and the hippocampus (memory formation).


Dopamine is the primary neurotransmitter which affects pleasure, learning, motivation, mood, and many other critical functions in the body. Because dopamine is so powerful, it can have extreme effects on our desire to perform an action.

We can code brain implants to stimulate the production and release of dopamine throughout the mesolimbic pathway when a recognized “good” habit is performed, thus reinforcing the act.

Over time, the device should auto-calibrate to only stimulate dopamine when the person focuses for a longer period. The hippocampus is associated with the memory of these positive feelings something called neuroplasticity, which is essentially the brain creating new neural connections that make us more intelligent or more capable of doing something.



The grooves which define the base from the tip
allow for specific situation within brain tissue,
for precise placement.

A simple but precise electronic system in the base (dark grey) allows for communication and decision-making from the outside system.

The red prongs stimulate the VTA, producing
and releasing dopamine. Through a simple but precise electrical system within the base, they send an electrical impulse which mimics that of a dopamine-stimulating or inhibiting action potential.

This device is 0.5 mm by 0.25 mm and is implanted in a set of eight, four along the VTA, one within each of the following: nucleus accumbens, amygdala, hippocampus, and prefrontal cortex. (See red and blue dots)


A rapid change in the electrical potential across a neuron's membrane,
allowing for the transmission of signals within the nervous system.

What does this mean for individuals seeking behavior/lifestyle change?

The potential benefits of this cutting-edge technology may already be obvious. Let’s introduce some possible personas & their stakeholders.

Meet Geoff, 59

Geoff was fired from his job as a software engineer for negligence of his duties. He suffered from a long addiction to alcohol and other drugs. Along with many other problems in his life, Geoff was in poor health and had a bad relationship with his family. In 2032, he chose to undergo surgery for the implantation of the multi-piece brain implant system. Below is the list of changes Geoff has experienced.

Entered treatment for his addiction. Has been clean from alcohol/drugs for 18 months.
Engages in daily meditation, aided by his implants.
Repaired relationship with children and family.
Got a new job.
Began an exercise regimen.
Restored liver health, lost excess weight, lowered blood pressure, increased cardiovascular health, lowered risk of various diseases.
Reports sleeping better & longer, more clear-mindedness, and less illness.
Reports increased mindfulness, inner-understanding, and interpersonal connection.

Meet Jennifer, 27

Jennifer is a masters student and mother of two. In previous years, she has reported feeling out of control of her life, overwhelmed with responsibilities, unable to find time to take care of herself, and constantly tired, among other things. She opted for the implantation of the multi-piece system for the betterment of her wellbeing. Her experiences are listed below.

Took control of her media and technology consumption.
Reports increased attention span and the ability to spend more time with her children.
Increased productivity, lower stress, and less feelings of exhaustion.
Higher self-esteem.
Reports making better nutritional decisions and eating at home more than out.
Started working with her children and wife to lower screen time and engage with family more.
Tailored health efforts to her metabolism. Has begun training for a half marathon.
Repaired relationship with social media and toxic sources of information.
Reports more time for friendships and developing meaningful relationships.
More time for regular exercise, yoga, and a daily mindfulness practice.

Addressing Ethics and Opposing Issues

A central theme of this Informatics 200 class was designing for positive impact. For any technology design—especially one that deliberately influences brain chemistry and shapes lifelong outcomes—it is crucial to thoroughly examine the associated ethical and moral implications. This project embodies the balance between innovation and accountability, fostering a thoughtful approach to both potential benefits and risks.

  • A comprehensive informed consent process including written documents and verbal explanations will include detailed information on potential risks, effects, and benefits of the pre-operative, operative, and post-operative process. Ongoing education and support will be provided to users throughout the process, ensuring they can make informed decisions.

  • A monthly meeting with the patient’s medical team is required for the first after of implantation. In these meetings, patients can customize and control the settings of their implants, ensuring they have the agency to adjust their dopamine release patterns. The advanced A.I. technology of the implants can detect complex behaviors, allowing users to specifically tailor how they respond.

  • The goal of the implant is to train the brain to produce/inhibit neurotransmitters in response to specified behaviors, so that one’s brain, eventually, can perform the same way on its own. At any time, the patient can adjust targeted behaviors, stop use all-together, or have the implants removed.

  • Individuals will work alongside their medical care team to decide the best course of action. In a sense, this is a checks-and-balances situation, where the patient will consult their physician and vise-versa before making changes, meanwhile strict ethical guidelines and regulations govern the use of the technology to ensure it is used for the well-being and autonomy of the users. Physicians in control of this device are closely monitored and regulated to avoid coercion.

  • Collaboration with cybersecurity experts ensures continual enhancement of the security features of the implant system. There are regularly implemented updates and patches to address vulnerabilities, and establish a rapid response system to address any security breaches promptly.

  • The designers of this technology have implemented a robust encryption and security measures to protect the data collected by the implants. Strict protocols for data access and sharing have been established, with a focus on user privacy. Regular audits and updates to security measures stay ahead of potential threats.